Wednesday, October 7

Fancy Pants

When K'barbic and I went for a constitutional the other day, we strode by Talbot's. Now, I don't have anything against Talbot's. I worked there the summer between by sophomore and junior years, and the people working and shopping there were exceedingly nice. But, as I noticed in the Talbot's store window, and then in the catalog shipped to my home, Talbot's has a new ad campaign ... featuring Katharine Hepburn and Grace Kelly.


Just because Katharine rocked pants, and Grace did sometimes, too. Talbot's says it has a new “pant fit initiative” featuring “re-invented, re-interpreted and re-inspired” styles. The new catalog opens with a black-and-white spread of the ladies, one angular, one curvy, and both in crisply pleated pants. Here's the one of KH:

Okay, fine. But here are the pants Talbots is selling:

I don't see the connection. Do you? If anything, they look more like Audrey Hepburn's pants, just in stonewashed khaki.

If Talbot's wants to take this strange new ad campaign to the next level, I suggest that sales representatives greet customers not with today's "Hello, how are you?" but an "Ohhh, how do you do?" Say it with that old money Hepburn drawl, too, with hand imperially extended, and you're nearly on the set of Adam's Rib, whose poster features—yes—pants:

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