Friday, December 18

Door 18: Magic Hat

As a humdinger of a snowscape is gathering in Washington, DC, K'Barbic and I are thinking about how we'll stay warm when necessity bids us leave our homes. For me, necessity comes in the shape of my dog Daisy, and she will want to go for a few good romps. When we go romping, there is a very good chance that I will wear my beret pulled down to my ears. It will not be a day for wearing the beret as if it is a plate-sized pancake.

The thought of hats in the snow reminds me of Frosty the Snowman, who came to life only when his friend Karen put that "old silk hat" with the daisy on top of his head.

And if that doesn't make you believe in the power of hats, open Door 18! (Opening this door will also help get the lyrics of Frosty the Snowman out of your head.)

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